We were in awe of you, protected by the haven of your walls.
Your exterior provided a place of peace during the chaos the
Infected everything we had known. You gave for us and we in turn
Bled with you as you took the knocks, we saw your torment,
The agony as you drifted alone. But we were there with you,
Traveling the same path of abandonment and betrayal.
We tried to fix you, we repainted your walls hoping to hide the soot
That resided before, and oh how we laughed. You said we were all
That you needed. A triangle of trust, a trinity that could never be broken.
But your windows were never secure, never sound proof. Why didn't you see this?
We were too youg to realize your foundation had cracked and shifted away from us.
We needed you, did you not see? You were our haven, we found safety and calm within
You. But you took us for granted, you found a new trinity and new walls,
And now we are left with the cracked paint and empty foundation that outlined what
Used to be. Yet we still wait for you to return, we still pull the weeds from
The foundation we called home just in case your new one falls through.
We don't know why we wait, we hurt and we flail without you all
Why you stand by the wayside and watch us struggle. But you have your
New trinity, your new three, and a new haven to call your own.
But know, we never forget, never stop hoping because we were there long before
Hoping to always call you home.
I believe there is nothing greater in life than creativity, expression of ones inner workings to which nothing is more passionate and real. Lets dance together in this, and find some kind of meaning and shape to this choice we call LIFE. Cheers, J.L. Copeland
About Me

- J.L. Copeland
- I have been writing for years, but never knew that I was a writer. The expression itself was and has always been such a personal adventure that it never crossed my mind to allow others to partake in my work. I still don't call myself a writer or a poet, those titles go to the published or established, but I hope to obtain such entitlement in the very near future. But over all, I hope that I can spark some sort of discussion. Whether it's about my work and the emotions or thoughts that it has provoked, or even just about how pitful and weak my writing just might be. Either way, it is discussion and forcing some kind of thought! I hope you all enjoy! Feel free to email me at jlcope77@yahoo.com for any reason. Enjoy.
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