Words might be at a loss, as the lights flicker through my mind.
Doors open but close quickely, I try, vainly, to express, to paint
this canvass, to make it clear. But lost are my thoughts through
these corridors, darting in and out of each room, playing through
the night of voices, of statements, and arguements that stain
these floors.
Can't you see? I am here, it's all fallen, at times it's
been blown apart and the memories linger, creep up on us
and remind us that we're not perfect. But we're perfect
together, we're perfect when we're not apart, but completely
incomplete when left alone.
This you have to believe, because faith is not seeing but feeling,
and with reason finding a point to believe in, a thought to latch
on to, an action of proof. We are still standing, we are still moving
and even if the dance has slowed does not mean the chorus isn't
the same. The beat changes but always come back again; constantly
flowing and renegotiating the atmosphere around, the different players,
the different faces, and what? Then back to us. Back to us, slowly
we have to rotate as one and understand that words aren't always
But at this moment, hold your tongue and hear mine, know as confusion is
rampant, clearity and direction is always around the corner. I am here,
as long as you're breathing I am always here.
I believe there is nothing greater in life than creativity, expression of ones inner workings to which nothing is more passionate and real. Lets dance together in this, and find some kind of meaning and shape to this choice we call LIFE. Cheers, J.L. Copeland
About Me

- J.L. Copeland
- I have been writing for years, but never knew that I was a writer. The expression itself was and has always been such a personal adventure that it never crossed my mind to allow others to partake in my work. I still don't call myself a writer or a poet, those titles go to the published or established, but I hope to obtain such entitlement in the very near future. But over all, I hope that I can spark some sort of discussion. Whether it's about my work and the emotions or thoughts that it has provoked, or even just about how pitful and weak my writing just might be. Either way, it is discussion and forcing some kind of thought! I hope you all enjoy! Feel free to email me at jlcope77@yahoo.com for any reason. Enjoy.
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